
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your understanding and your support of Amber's loved ones during this incredibly trying time.

Monetary donations will help support Baby Audri's future needs and care, as well as assist the family with the various other expenses they are facing during this very difficult time.

Your compassion means more than words can express.

Thank you.

How can you help?

We have been overwhelmed by the immense generosity and support from our community during this difficult time. While we are grateful for every kind gesture, the influx of meals, baby items, and other physical donations have become challenging for Amber's family to manage at this moment.

For those wishing to contribute, we ask that you consider making a monetary donation instead.

How you can send a monetary donation

For those wishing to contribute financially, we are able to accept your gifts most easily through Audri’s 529 account, Cash App and Venmo. Zelle and physical checks are options as well.

Audri’s 529

Account with Fidelity


Cash App

Please contact us.

Make checks payable to:

Audri Olivia Cooley
PO Box 40003
Indianapolis IN 46240